The China Virus really?


A German investigative journalist has found some evidence suggesting that the new Corona Virus SARS COV-2 might indeed have come from a laboratory though not a Chinese but an American one from where it might probably have been released by accident. A retired French virologist and HIV expert, as well as some Indian researchers, have found HI Virus-Material within the SARS CoV-2 Virus. Chinese Virus researchers from the Wuhan research laboratory have cooperated for decades with American researchers, among others with those from the Fort Detrick laboratory. A Chinese expert for bat viruses has delivered samples of those to the said laboratory for research purposes, possibly for the development of vaccines. In the United States were more mutation strains from the SARA Co-2 Virus than in China which basically had got only one. This suggests that the Virus has been spreading within the US population for a much longer time than within the Chinese. The refusal for many months by the US government to do some widespread testing of the population opposite to what many Asian countries have done who successfully contained the pandemic might not have been just due to blundering incompetence but in reality a blatant attempt to cover up the American origin of the virus. 

Below is the whole article translated into English:

Wuhan Virus, the Second

by Dirk Pohlman (translated from German)

The SARS COV-2 virus and the disease that is caused by it, COVID-19, determines not only everybody’s personal daily routine and life worldwide but also geopolitics. You can be sure that this condition is not conducive to detecting the truth.

When viewed soberly, the German government has got a good record compared to countries such as Italy, Spain, France, or the USA. There are far fewer deaths than in the countries mentioned above and our intensive care units are not flooded.

Also encouraging: the Federal Constitutional Court has severely scolded politicians who believe they can overturn basic constitutional rights by means of a decree such as the right to demonstrate against government measures. The Court ruled last Sunday that two bans on demonstrations against state governments wanting to completely forbid any meetings of more than 2 people are not compatible with the Grundgesetz (the German Constitution).

The howling rage by obvious opponents of our constitution manifest in the pages of the Berlin daily, the Tagesspiegel, does nothing to change those basic principles of the law. After the supreme court judges refute their vehemently presented but very questionable arguments against the legality of the demonstrations, these hateful writers have nothing better to do than to follow up on those flawed arguments by now warning us against an alleged ‘cross-front’, by claiming all those who participated in those demonstrations to be right-wingers, anti-Semites or so-called ‘Reichsbürger’.

You sure will have heard these ever-recurring insults hurled against anyone with opposing views by the mainstream media before. This, of course, bears only witness to those media outlet’s growing insignificance and their dwindling subscriber base in the same way as the angry cries of an abandoned husband do who cannot bear the new-found freedom of his battered wife.

It is the same media that used to honor journalists like Claas Relotius (the Spiegel reporter who faked many of his stories) with prizes, but reacted very badly when their failure in diligence and honesty led to generalized terms be used by the public against them such as the “lying press”.

But if some people who are doubting the legitimacy of restrictive government measures appear at a demonstration, the mainstream media has no problems with generalizations. Then they start to vomit with via their keyboards that all participants are nothing more than cross-front-anti-Semitic-alt-right-winger-scum. They love to judge, and love to judge harshly.

But they don’t do their actual job. And that job would be to ensure that the flow of important information is reaching all the parts of society. There is a lot to discuss. The media just doesn’t want to tackle those topics. Many important questions are still unsolved and finding real answers to them would have enormous consequences.

For example:
Did the virus indeed originate in nature, without human intervention or is it possibly a Frankenstein monster created in a laboratory?
And if the source of the virus should be a laboratory, what was the real purpose of the chimera?
Are the scientists who brought the pandemic on us nothing more than a magician’s apprentices who -maybe just in search of a vaccine- accidentally let some coronaviruses escape from a laboratory with the highest security (level 4)?
Or are those viruses -and that would really be the worst-case scenario- an integral part of a so-called “political war game” or related to it some “psychological warfare”?

Such questions are even less permitted to be discussed in mainstream media than the experiences of the Swedish model in dealing with COVID-19.
The imminent collapse of Sweden has been announced by our media for weeks, and that with total resistance to factual evidence of the contrary, one that is reminiscent of Q-Anon disciples. You as a main-stream journalist just don’t want to be refuted by reality.

Most Swedes agree with their government’s actions. And why shouldn’t they, since by the time the next wave of infections will inevitably hit Germany after the lock-down has been lifted, which then, in turn, would have to be answered by new isolation measures, by then a relevant part of the Swedish population will already have become immune… probably. Sweden is trying like every other country, one hopes, to act to the best of its knowledge. No one can predict exactly what will happen, neither there nor here.

The coronavirus is not the flu. The danger that the highly infectious virus poses, for which there is no cure and no vaccination, should not be underestimated. The probability of dying has roughly doubled for every age group.

Since mostly older people tend to die from it, the probability in the age group over 85 not to survive until the end of the current year increases from 8 to 16%, in persons around 45 years of age it increases from 0.13 to 0.33%. European mortality rates, which are recorded in the Euromomo statistics, have therefor increased somewhat significantly.

The vast majority of scientists, as we learn from our state-run media, believe that the virus is of natural origin.
This assessment is called “scientific”, any other expert opinion is called a “conspiracy theory”. This assessment is made by journalists who choose exclusively the “right” kind of experts for interviews and decide which experts are not allowed to be interviewed because they are senile idiots and irresponsible or right-wingers and irresponsible, no matter what kind of work such experts have done before in their lives.

The same became already common practice after 911. Andreas von Bülow, once Minister for Research in a German government, who also had a thorough knowledge of intelligence agency operations, a knowledge he had acquired in large parts in parliamentary committees investigating those agencies’ activities, was quickly downgraded by the mainstream media to being no longer a quotable source.

The same thing happened now to the 88-year-old and mentally fully functional French Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, a free spirit, who at one time had received an award for his research on the HIV and AIDS. He said on French television that he thought it possible that SARS COV2 was created in a laboratory, not in nature. And so he was immediately associated with right-wing extremism in a particularly perfidious way, namely with the remark that there have been Nazis among Nobel Prize winners already before that.

Montagnier had pointed out that SARS COV-2 contains HIV connected genetic material. In Montagnier’s expert opinion he sees the possibility that researchers have created an artificial virus chimera to develop a vaccine against AIDS.

Some Indian scientists have also reported that they had found an HIV genome sequence in SARS COV2, though they later withdrew their article.

So there could possibly have been an accident taken place in a laboratory may be in China, or possibly in one in the United States. And this is why: until 2018 there existed a joint research program by the Chinese bio-research laboratory in Wuhan and the American Institution called USAID-EPT-PREDICT.

The Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, that sought to be among the world leaders in this kind of research, worked for instance with the University of Texas at Galveston and there with the “Center for BioDefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases” and, since the 1980s, with the “US Army Medical Research Institute in Fort Detrick”, the most important bioweapons research center in the world. So the Chinese scientists worked with US bioweapons specialists because these people deal with such viruses.

There is a publication in the magazine Nature from 2015 in which a Vinet Mechenary from the University of North Carolina describes a corona chimera created in the laboratory. Researchers at the time had combined a bat virus with a mouse virus that attacks lung tissue. The researchers used cells from Fort Detrick and a bat virus, which the Chinese researcher Shi Zhengli -who is testing bats from southern China for new viruses- had brought to them.

Bats possess an incredible immune system. They contain many viruses that don’t make those bats ill but the viruses mutate within them. This property as a living incubator makes those bats so interesting for researchers. The most well-known researcher who examines bat viruses is the Chinese scientist Shi Zhengli, who had already discovered the SARS virus of the 2003 epidemic in a bat in 2002 but was only able to identify the Virus in 2005.

When the director of the laboratory in Wuhan called Shi Zhengli on December 30. to inform her about the newly discovered SARS COV-2 virus, which had supposedly originated naturally from bats, had then infected humans and from there been transmitted from person to person, his colleague doubted that possibility. She thought if such a virus would have actually arisen naturally, that would only have been possible in the subtropical mountain caves of southern China, where the examined horseshoe bats of the species “Rhinolophus affinis”, from which the previous coronavirus originated live.

Wuhan, however, is located in the central Chinese lowlands. The bats of the species in question do not occur there, nor does the pangolin, which is almost extinct in China. And the pangolin connected to the virus in question is the Malayan pangolin.

The scary stories that bats were sold in a Wuhan market and the virus then spilled from bats to humans are fake news. There exists no bat soup in Chinese cuisine. The photos of a bat soup that are circulating on the Internet are from the South Sea island of Palau, the photos of snakes and other wild animals are from markets in Indonesia. The thesis that the virus comes from any market is more than shaky.

Far more interesting is the series of events that happened in the US previous to the outbreak. In May 2018, Donald Trump dissolved the White House Office for Global Health Pandemics. All the people who were supposed to deal with pandemics in the future were replaced. Despite the earlier close collaboration between US scientists and their colleagues in Wuhan, the US government now sent US diplomats, not scientists, to visit the Wuhan laboratory in the spring of 2018. These diplomats in turn then used embassy dispatches to warn of alleged safety problems in the laboratory that allegedly made the risk of a renewed SARS pandemic possible. Strange indeed.

In September 2018, the new Secretary of Health Alex Azar and his deputy, the bio-weapons expert Robert Kadlec, published a new strategy that not only deals with “premeditated threats caused by bio-weapon terrorism”, but also with natural outbreaks as well as with infectious diseases that unintentionally get out of the laboratory into the outside world, so exactly something that might have occurred now.

In 2019, Azar expressed concern about the possibility of a pandemic. From January 2019 on, Kadlec held a series of exercises called the “Crimson Contagion”. They simulated the outbreak of a pandemic in China, which involved a lung virus that killed half a million people in the United States. As of November 2019, the US medical intelligence agency NCMI warned of an outbreak in Wuhan, a “fateful event” that was about to happen.

So you can say with a clear conscience that the United States was excellently prepared. But it was Azar of all people who played down the danger of the pandemic for weeks and spoke of only a few dozen cases. So there is a mismatch between practicing the response to a bio-weapons attack or a dangerous pandemic and the inexplicable inaction of the Trump administration in the face of supposedly the very danger that it had been preparing for.

On February 27, after many other failures regarding COVID-19, Trump still announced that the virus would miraculously disappear.

However, already on January 5, the WHO had issued an emergency report, an “Emergency Preparedness Response”, because of the outbreak of a previously unknown lung disease in China.

On January 22, the WHO had announced that the disease was transmitted from person to person, and an international emergency committee was set up a day later due to the outbreak of the now-known as COVID-19 virus epidemic in China. Given this timing, it is inexplicable why the United States, of all countries, refused to follow the WHO’s emergency strategy to contain and fight the disease, isolate the sick, and mass test for COVID-19.

Tests in the U.S. were practically non-existent, while South Korea, Papau, and Taiwan tested large sections of the population very successfully and quickly got the pandemic under control.

Alex Azar is not a blank slate either. He had been head of the legal division of the Department of Health and Human Services since 2001 until he became its Deputy Secretary under the George W. Bush government. After 911, he and Kadlec played an important role in misleading the investigation into the anthrax attacks against Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. Both senators had initially refused to sign the Patriot Act, but changed their minds after receiving letters with anthrax spores.

The lack of media interest for two scientific papers dealing with the spread of the virus is also remarkable. Both divide the over 50 known subtypes of the SARS CoV-2 virus into related groups, one paper into 5 types, the other into 3, both come to the conclusion that there is only one outbreak location in which all subtypes occur: the Unites States of America. The paper, which categorizes 5 haplotypes of the virus, has found generally only 1 subtype in China and a second subtype in one patient only. Usually, the greatest genetic variation is an indication of the origin of a living being or a virus.

So you might think that the months of extremely amazing inactivity in the United States in testing the population until mid-March might have been related to having no interest in finding out how many people had already been affected in the United States as well as no interest in creating a data situation that would enable a good analysis of the distribution.

One might also wonder why the same Israeli bio-weapons specialist Dany Shoham, who mistakenly linked Saddam Hussein to the US anthrax attacks after 2001 which then was used as one of the points to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq, is now claiming that the SARS Co-2 Virus originates from a bio-weapons laboratory in China.

One might wonder as well why now  a campaign by Fox News and other right-wing media has started in the United States blaming China for the outbreak of COVID19, in a similar fashion as  the media once campaigned against Saddam Hussein claiming him to own nuclear, biological or chemical weapons to then justify the invasion of Iraq

In increasingly hysteric mode, TV anchors appear in front of their audience, accusing the Chinese Communist Party of creating the pandemic and attacking the United States. This is linked to a bill by the Republican Senator and member of the United States Defense Committee, Josh Hartley, brought before Congress on April 14, demanding approximately 2 trillion US Dollar in damages from China to be recovered via the freezing and disapprobation of Chinese capital. You could call that either a mere threat or an outright declaration of an economic war against China.

In Germany, the Bild Zeitung is acting in a similar fashion. Its digital editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt wrote straight from his psychiatric ward a letter to Xi Jinping -no, my mistake, he is just acting as if he was in such a ward-. In this letter, he addressed the Chinese president personally lecturing him like a schoolboy and telling him in a “take this!” tone what a lousy dog ​​he is. To call this behavior outrageous would be more than just an understatement.

Meanwhile, the moderate rebels of the state-owned ZDF in their Heute Journal are in the process of shelling supportively on the terrain marked as target area by the USA from the other side, by pointing out that although Trump is not entirely sensible, he is still right when it comes to China… or to Venezuela, (and that the communist world conspiracy has fully hit the WHO and must be valiantly fought:).

In the slipstream of Corona we will find a variety of ideas that are absolutely shocking. The media should watch those closely. Should…

When it comes to the pandemic, its origin, and its use, it is helpful to keep in mind an analysis made by Dirk Müller:

The United States desiring to remain the only superpower in the world has only two options to prevent China’s rise to first-level world power:
1st the option of military warfare
2nd the option of economic warfare

This statement is plain and poignantly true. Remember that. It helps to put things into perspective.
Since Trump is not prone to start a shooting war on the one hand but is also not so prone to telling the truth on the other, and since he sees himself as a badass businessman and politician, we should prepare for the second option.
But do not count on being informed in the so-called “first row”, by our state-owned media, about the origins of the coronavirus or about the pandemic situation in Sweden compared to Germany. Don’t expect that them to report the truth in all those topics, without bias, and beyond all politics.

Expect Julian Reichelt to be everywhere in the media and NATO to be called your most reliable friend. Hadn’t Elmar Theveßen informed ZDF viewers just last year, in the spirit of Dirk Müller, that “a war with China was inevitable”, something General Ben Hodges, the former commander of the US Army Command Europe had dictated to him into the always ready microphone?

One would have hoped that in the face of a virus that rampages all over the world, all governments would simply use this opportunity to build common ground, to cooperate and work together, in order to build up lasting trust, in the same way as many people do that with their friends and relatives in need. Ordinary humans act like that, but not the politicians in power.

This kind of action would require statesmen in the format of Mikhail Gorbachev, Willy Brandt or Olof Palme, not the current crop of Western administrators, who became offended when China or Russia were showing support with relief supplies for the most affected European countries, instead of the EU which had deserted them in the face of the threat.

What would these governments do if we ever were faced with an even more deadly pandemic or with an asteroid threatening earth for instance? They would most likely try to buy up China shortly before the strike in the hope of making another geopolitical bargain deal.